until the plaster goo gets poured in. Of course a very engaging process, each day making a new mark, like the days before, trying too hard to be original, clever....measurung enthusiasm, asking questions; what am I trying to say? why say anything?how do these marks relate, to each other, to me, to the viewer.....? It's a collapse really, getting out of my own way. The daily ritual rules and ultimately will out/manifest...I'm thinking a lot about negative space and how the plaster will appear, thinking in three dimensions each time I make a mark, relentless.
In a little over two weeks the project will be half way. Each morning I begin thinking about what the mark might be...look like but generally do not act upon any inspiration, leaving the gesture/mark til the late afternoon which usually is completed relatively quickly( a continuous flow/action.) The waxing takes place after ten days ( accumulated tiles)
It is a piece that holds time, genesis and the mundane.